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Exam Code: LX0-102
Exam Name: CompTIA Linux Part 2
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CompTIA LX0-102 Test Questions 177 Q&As
Updated: 04-07,2015
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Exam Code: FC0-U51
Exam Name: CompTIA IT Fundamentals
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CompTIA FC0-U51 Training online 275 Q&As
Updated: 04-07,2015
FC0-U51 Practice Test Detail : Click Here
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NO.1 On a system using shadowed passwords, the correct permissions for /etc/passwd are ___ and
the correct permissions for /etc/shadow are ___.
A. -rw-r-----, -r-------
B. -rw-r--r--, -r--r--r-
C. -rw-r--r--, -r-------
D. -rw-r--rw-, -r-----r-
E. -rw-------, -r-------
Answer: C
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Which file specifies the user accounts can NOT submit jobs via at or batch? (Provide the full path and
Answer: /ETC/AT.DENY
NO.3 Which of the following files, when using Sendmail or a similar MTA system, will allow a user to
redirect all their mail to another address and is configurable by the user themselves?
A. /etc/alias
B. /etc/mail/forwarders
C. ~/.alias
D. ~/.forward
Answer: D
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NO.4 Which of the following commands will provide locale-specific information about a system and
its environment?
A. loconfig
B. getlocale
C. locale
D. tzconfig
E. tzselect
Answer: C
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NO.5 An administrator needs to pause the CUPS printer Laserjet4, and wants to cancel all print jobs
with a message, "hello". Which of the following commands will do this?
A. cupsreject -c -r hello Laserjet4
B. cupsreject -p -m hello Laserjet4
C. cupsdisable -c -r hello Laserjet4
D. cupsdisable -p -m hello Laserjet4
Answer: C
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NO.6 On a dual boot system, every time the system is booted back into Linux the time has been set
backward by one day. Which of the following commands will correct the problem?
A. date -d '+ 1 day'
B. hwclock --systohc --localtime
C. ntpdate
D. time hwclock
Answer: B
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NO.7 Which of the following commands is used to set restrictions on the size of a core file that is
created for a user when a program crashes?
A. core
B. edquota
C. ulimit
D. quota
Answer: C
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NO.8 An administrator is looking into a new script they received from a senior executive. In the very
first line the administrator notices a #! followed by a file path. This indicates that:
A. the file at that location was used to make the script.
B. this script provides identical functionality as the file at that location.
C. this script will self-extract into a file at that location.
D. the program at that location will be used to process the script.
Answer: D
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